Your Customer’s Journey

What does your customer journey look like..?

It has been said that a company’s customer journey is what the customer “has to” go through if they want to buy their product.

The reason for this, especially when considering a high value luxury or bespoke purchase is that the engineering team need to know certain things in order to make your wishes come true. So the process evolves round the build not the customer.

With more time and effort spent on the product and what it does/will look like, rather than on the customer experience, there is a disconnect with the customer. A modern customer for a high-end car for example, is not worried about all the fluff and pomp (champagne reception/swanky venues etc) they become more engaged when we have a tailored contact plan that is designed to match and exceed their expectations.

When we ask customers what they want most while waiting for their product, these three came up top…

1) Updated regularly as to what is happening
2) Knowing that they have a single point of contact for any questions they may have
3) Being shown photos/videos of progress on their product by the people that are working on it

Simply said – they want to feel valued, excited and reassured they have made the right decision!

You may be building 25 unique examples of your product, but for the customer they are buying one. Therefore, the excitement needs to be kept alive, for the whole journey to handover and beyond.

An elated customer will tell their friends about their great experience with your company as well as the product you built for them…