Experience the Delage D12

An exclusive experience at the Magny Cours circuit and visit to the Delage D12 production facilities.

Laurent Tapie and the team at Delage are opening their doors to prospective clients to see their amazing D12 Hybrid Hyper car in September. Dates still available at the time of going to press are between the 15th and 24th of September 2023.

What’s included in the day…

Each guest will enjoy being hosted by Laurent and his team for day of activities beginning late morning. Guests arriving by train or from the local private airfield will be collected by the team and taken to the Delage facility at Magny Cours. Here they will be introduced to key team members and be served lunch and refreshments.

Guests will then be taken to the Oreca engine development facility where there will be an engine on bench test. You will be able to see the engine fired up in close quarters and ask any questions you may have to the team.

One final stop before being taken to the track will be a visit to the new production facility under development where the D12 will be assembled.

Passenger drive experience at Magny Cours Circuit

To finish the experience in style, guests will then be taken on to the famous Magny Cours circuit where they will be able to enjoy the thrill of a passenger ride in the Delage D12 sat directly behind the driver ‘fighter pilot style’ or view the car from the pits and hospitality area.

This is a very rare opportunity to experience and become part of the history of the return of Delage Automobiles to our roads…

To express your interest in attending. please contact us at directly.